Partial Client List

“The Color Code has been a part of our new manager development program at Nordstrom for over five years and is far and away the most popular of the programs we offer to new managers. In all my years of training, I have not come across any other personality-profiling program that is better than the Color Code. It is simple and easy to remember, a must with today’s busy manager.”- Toni Benard, Training Director
The Olson Company – America’s Builder of the Year
"Thank you for spending time with our business units. The progress we are making is exceptional. The positive teamwork has not only translated into a better work environment, it has significantly increased our bottom line. Our four business units are forecasting a net income increase of $4,500,000 – more than 80%!”- Mark Buckland, President
Authors of “Raving Fans”
“Every manager can benefit from the ability to identify what motivates employees. The Color Code is an effective way to recognize potential and maximize talents.”- Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles
Intermountain Health Care
“What started as a 4-hour presentation has now turned into an operating philosophy of tolerance and understanding. People on our staff are communicating better with each other because they are looking at themselves first rather than at the person with whom they are having the conflict. It has also been a great tool for the management team. We have incorporated the Color Code into hiring practices as well as into our employee evaluations. Once again thanks for everything – your training concepts are incredible and your staff is an absolute pleasure to work with!”- William Beerman, Director Patient Administration
J. C. Penney
"I want to express my enthusiasm for the results we have achieved through the Color Code. I first applied Color Coding concepts with our new hires. Because our business is sales, I have been able to show them how they can establish the needs of the customer and communicate with them more effectively. We have now presented this program to the entire territory. The response from our people has been overwhelming! They are more comfortable with themselves, with the customers, and understand more about what closing a sale is all about. Thank you Color Code for an adventure in people success!"- Marie Mosteller, Territory Training Coordinator