Personality Test
If you want a quick and free way to
sample the Color Code Personality
Test, try this version.
(Scroll down to start test)
sample the Color Code Personality
Test, try this version.
(Scroll down to start test)
If you want a completely customized
report that is designed to fully analyze your personality, and provide bonus tools to help you on your way to personal development, this is the version for you.
(Scroll down to start test)
report that is designed to fully analyze your personality, and provide bonus tools to help you on your way to personal development, this is the version for you.
(Scroll down to start test)

Results Include
A pie chart showing you what you scored in all 4 colors
A Comprehensive Analysis containing a 14+ page report with customized content that describes your individual personality style in depth, including a list of your strengths and limitations, your secondary colors--how they affect your personality, and a list, complete with tips, of your traits. Throughout are videos, activities and other tools embedded to help you more fully understand your results.
Personal Development
You will also have access to these additional resources:
- All about your color (MP3)
- 5 Relationship training videos that help you understand how you relate to the other personality types.
- The anger cycle video explaining how each color reacts to anger, and tips to self-regualte.
- Playing Life to Win excerpted audio book, read by Dr. Hartman
- You and your color (PDF)
Professional Development
- What is Emotional Intelligence, why is it important, and how do I develop it? video.
- Coaching by the Numbers ebook
- Workplace Culture ebook
- Test Yourself: Real Life Scenarios from the Business World workbook
- Employee Communication Cheat Sheet