What is this?
This is a 3-day, train-the-trainer course for professionals who want to become certified to teach The Color Code Interpersonal Skills Workshop, our flagship training program.
- The workshop is based on one of the world's most popular personality style assessments, and the best-selling book, The Color Code, by Taylor Hartman, PhD.
- Watch What is the Color Code? (flash player required - opens in a new window)
- Prefer text? Read What is the Color Code?
- Workshop participants develop increased levels of self-awareness (the #1 key element for developing emotional intelligence skills); learn how to effectively understand and work with team members; improve communication skills; and are better prepared to create successful professional relationships.
- This is a high-energy workshop that is both educational and fun to teach/attend.
- See our Testimonials and Partial Client List
Who should certify?
This course is designed for both in-house trainers as well as independent trainers. In fact, for the first time ever, we are offering a universal license to anyone who certifies.
What that means to you is that if you certify to teach this course within your organization’s internal training programs, you are also fully licensed to teach outside of your company to private clients as well.
Independent trainers and consultants regularly use this course to generate personal income ranging between $1250 and $5000 per training day.
Organizations benefit by saving thousands of dollars on training costs per training event.
What qualifications are required to certify?
There are no educational requirements required to certify. Everything trainers need to know to adequately teach The Color Code Interpersonal Skills Workshop will be carefully reviewed during this course.
When and where will the course be held?
This is a 3-day course that will be held on the following dates:
- For dates and other information on upcoming classes, please fill out the information form on this page.
What will certified trainers receive?
The following items are INCLUDED in the certification course:
- Full set of participant materials, which includes:
- The Color Code Interpersonal Skills Workshop Participant Workbook
- The Color Code Personality Assessment with a Comprehensive Analysis Report
- Customized participant nametag
- Code Cards (quick-reference guide to the Color Code)
- Color Code Live (one-hour audio presentation on CD)
- Facilitator's Guidebook - a step-by-step instructor's manual
- PowerPoint Presentation for The Color Code Interpersonal Skills Workshop
- Facilitator's In-house Marketing Kit containing printable advertising flyers, invitations, templates, online overviews, and a catalogue of optional marketing materials (pull-ups, posters, signage, etc.)
- "Trainer Toolbox" containing instructions for optional teambuilding activities
- The People Code, by Taylor Hartman, PhD (formerly published as The Color Code)
- 6-CD Seminar Series - live presentations on the Color and Character Codes
- Leather Facilitator's Binder
- Color Code T-shirt
- Color Code Wristbands
- Color Code "Attitude" Buttons
- 25% Discount Coupon for future training services, certification courses, etc.
- Professional Membership to the International Color Code Association (ICCA)
If you still have questions you can reach our corporate office by calling 1-866-4-MOTIVE. We are open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (MST).